Monday, November 19, 2012

Hard core PART 6

i just cant get understand how is the way of him thinking to be like that, and being such a human like that?

its like him being giving up because he does not get what he truly want for the rest of his life. 

sometime i re-think what actually had happening, , , it just an error that people, i mean most of people done that in the way of them in being through in their life. . . being true does not mean u cant never did or accidentally never do any mistake. it is a life, people did mistake, people make mistake... but the most important we learn from mistake.this is the way how God teach us not to do something more bad for tomorrow. 

make mistake does not mean u need to change 360degree of your life just now. u just need to repair some sort of your way to make it look better. change does not mean to have you to go to another world,  change mean you just need to do some improvement of something in your life to make it to walk in more better way.

i cant really think how your brain work and make your life become more worst.
for me, you are already incredibly genius and have a pride that you are better enough than others. but the way you change your life. has turn your brain up side down, really opposite to what supposedly you must do. 

i regret to see the way of you being like that, and i just regret to myself cause i cant do nothing about it.

sometime, i want to lend my hand to sort thing out of that way. but u never did give me a chance to do that so. . . so, i decided to live you with what you really want the most, even though i saw, you have made a wrong way.

sincerely, am sorry. . .

ok, that all! 

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