words to remember


76. "Jangan saya lebih-lebih, tapi sayangilah ALLAH selebih-lebihnya" (ash saef, 2013)

77. "mende boleh setel" (ash saef, 2012)

78."Lebih Baik Jujur yang PEDIH, daripada DUSTA yang membunuh" (ash saef, March 2013
79. perfect human does not exist

80. usually happy things, and sad things occur only once in our life, APPRECIATE all the happy things, and just FORGET all the sad things
81." Time is money, and Knowledge is more valuable than gold, they should be combine together"~

82.tahukah anda, jika anda tidak menyayangi, pasti anda tidak akan disayangi, jika anda menyayangi pasti anda akan disayangi~

83.I dont live to please anybody in this world~ yeah if u dont like then please go die~#sarcasm mode

84.kepercayaan yang sudah diberi dan telahpun dimusnahkan takkan diganti dengan kepercayaan yang lain..

85."I am who I am. I’m weird, I’m lame, I run into things, I spill food, I trip, I scream about random & stupid stuff. "
But, I like it that way ^^Y

p/s= world please be PEACE....

86."Dengan mengingati ALLAH itula..hati hamba-hambaNya akan menjadi tenang...

87."once kau dah suka someone, apa-apa sahaja pasal she/he kau akan suka tak kira perkara baik mahupun buruk...jadi hati-hati jangan sampai cinta tu membutakan kau.."

88. 'biar sedikit sahaja pemulihan itu, kerana yang sedikit itulah biasanya mampu mencapai kesempurnaan yang hakiki bagi definisi manusia di dunia"

89. " throughout my life, i've loved, i've lied, i've hurt, i've lost, i've missed, i've trusted, i've made mistakes, but most of all, i've learned "

90.Berdasarkan Hadith Nabi SAW :
" Tidak akan terputus rezeki seseorang ANAK selagi dia tidak
meninggalkan doa kepada kedua orang tua nya dalam sehari"

91."tips sebelum mengkritik - cerminkan diri lama-lama sebelum berkata-kata...
dan nescaya pabila anda sudah lihat pada diri anda...maka tiada satu kritikan pun yang akan anda MAMPU keluarkan dari mulut celupar anda" ;)

92. " a WISER man always do not speak a lot, but when they speak-out.. u know that u can't argue with them "

93. to correct a people is not by judging them, but by seek deep through their heart.

94.it will be endless tired day when u kept thinking that's no hope in ur life

95. we've changed in every second

96. "HARDLY to be perfect alone, be unites together! teach us well" -ash

97."don't ask them to change themselves, change yourself and be their guidance" - ash
98. "if you want Muhammad s.a.w, then be like Khadijah r.a" -old quote
99. "i can't forget, so then i just forgive" -de' Bo
100. "NeVeR GeT ALONG if U can't stand with it, just Go ON with what you've HaD" - ash

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